
Old Trafford
Myself at Old Trafford in 2019
For the longest time, my favourite sport has been football. I am a massive Manchester United fan! I am also an England fan, and hoping they do well this summer. Come on England!
Before we get to the meat and potatoes of the webpage. Here's a little more about yours truly.
Myself at Old Trafford in 2019
For the longest time, my favourite sport has been football. I am a massive Manchester United fan! I am also an England fan, and hoping they do well this summer. Come on England!
Aside from football, my favourite hobby is watching anime and reading manga!
Among my favourites are:
As well as anime, I enjoy both mobile and console gaming!
On mobile I mainly play Clash of Clans ⚔ and Clash Royale 👑!
I also enjoy strategy games like Chess ♕ and the brain training game Peak 🧠
On my console - a PS4 🎮, I particulary enjoy playing games like FIFA ⚽ and GTA:V
As well as coding, I have recently started British Sign Language! It's something I've always wanted to learn but never got around to it.
In addition, over the lockdown period, I have grown fond of taking long walks in my local park (on the other side of the card is one of the photos I took - see more on #views on discord😉)
Now the main event ... *drumroll please* ...
Here's why I am applying to the Founders and Coders bootcamp!
The Founders and Coders course has an extensive pre-apprenticeship program, which would give candiates the perfect balance of technical and soft-skills for employment. With this aim in mind, I see myself improving greatly in both areas through this and is an important reason why I'm applying.
From the moment I expressed my interest in this programme, I was welcomed to an inclusive Slack community (now Discord), where I've been able to network and work with my peers. Through this, I've been able to tackle problems collaboratively and gain understanding I otherwise wouldn't have had.
Over the application process I have had ample oppurtunity to get involved in pair-programming.
I have really learnt a great deal coding in this way, I have particulary enjoyed hearing other people's viewpoints whilst coding.
Seeing their process inspires me to think of different ways to approach problems, leading to more diverse and overall better solutions.
Through the Monday meetups, daily challenges and coaching groups, I feel I have become a better rounded programmer and I would love to continue working this way in the future!
Unlike similar bootcamps, Founders and Coders offer an apprenticeship scheme, in which students can gain real-world experience and get there foot in the door in the industry. This, coupled with the skills learnt in the 12-week pre-apprenticehip program, gives me confidence that I will, not only be job ready after the course, but I will be in good hands at the start of my career.
I've told you what I like about Founders & Coders. But why choose me?
Take a look at a few of my recent projects!
Lets start with this one shall we!
Looking back on my last application, I decided what I liked and didn't like from it. Firstly, since I made the page with CSS Grid last time, I have opted CSS Flexbox this time.
Although I liked the overall look of my first application page, on reflection I feel it lacked personality. Hopefully, this time I've shown a bit more of that
The aforementioned Founders and Coders application. It was one of my first websites using JavaScript. A very different project to this one. Check it out here!
My favourite project to date. Sudoku is my favourite mathematical game, see if you can beat my time here!
Ever wanted you own Shakespearean insult? Try the Shakespearean Insult Generator to add class to insults!
No description for these projects. Click to find out!
Thank you for taking the time to look at my page!
Below are a few people I want to thank for making this application possible.
Firsty, I want to thank everyone on the Coaching Program for all of your help over the last 4 months!
A big thanks to both of my coaching groups - Coaching B
(Ayub, Mohammed, Abe and Isiah), and Dragonfly
(Oliver, Danilo, Barbara & Saira)
The conversations each week about coding and general life helped a great deal and everyone's enthusisasm and desire to code inspired me!
I want to thank Gregor and Yvonne for the Daily Challenges. I really enjoyed testing myself everyday and seeing everyone else's amazing answers!
I also want to thank the current FAC cohort mentors for hosting the Monday meetups. I particularly want to thank the mentors
(Maryam, Amy, Neville, Michael & Safia)
and the applicants I teamed up with 💪🏾
(Ji, Milly, Marcio & Elena)
Finally, I would like to thank the TaD crew (Ryan, Emma & Filipe) for the Saturday meetings. Although we didn't finish the project in the end, I really had fun working on the project and I learnt alot!